[Coming Soon!] EQ Reserve Laurina ('Bourbon pointu') - Green Coffee

  • El Quetzal
  • Farmlevel Reserve
  • Laurina
  • Matagalpa
  • Nicaragua
  • Single Origin
  • Single Varietal
Grind size

Product details


Laurina beans are a naturally occurring, low-caffeine coffee varietal from the Bourbon family, 'Bourbon pointu' to be exact. We recommend it be roasted medium-light to retain it's natural flavors.

Origins of 'Bourbon pointu', Laurina Coffee

This varietal was discovered growing wild on Réunion Island in the Indian Ocean, an overseas region of France with a long history of coffee production. It's believed to be a cross between the prolific Bourbon, long the focus of french growers, and the naturally occurring subspecies on Réunion. It's naturally low caffeine content, a pest deterrent, make it more difficult to grow, hence the higher prices. It's also extremely low production but very unique, especially for those sensitive to caffeine. 


Lécolier, Aurélie & Besse, Pascale & Charrier, André & Tchakaloff, Thierry-Nicolas & Noirot, Michel. (2009). Unraveling the origin of Coffea arabica ‘Bourbon pointu’ from La Réunion: a historical and scientific perspective. 168. 1-10. 10.1007/s10681-009-9886-7. 

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